Industrial Production

Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

100-499 Employees

10K+ Followers

Salaries at MEPCO

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utilities manager




accountant payable


personnel officer


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Currently employed at this company: 173

Many of MEPCO's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • King abdulaziz university
  • The islamia university of bahawalpur
  • Bahauddin zakariya university
  • Air university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • electrical engineering
  • electrical
  • business administration
  • finance

Many of MEPCO’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at MEPCO have the below job roles:

Engineering Electrical Engineering Teaching and Academics Human Resources and Recruitment Maintenance, Repair, and Technician Accounting and Auditing
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Amr Ali Ali Sultan

Project Manager


Group SAP Project Manager

muhammad aslam

data entry operator since feb 2010 to onward

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Learn about MEPCO


Middle East Paper Company (MEPCO) is the largest manufacturer company of container-board in the middle east, located in western province of Saudi Arabia in the city of Jeddah. MEPCO is the leading supplier of cameliner, fluting and core-board in the entire Middle East. We are an eco-friendly company committed to preserving the environment. An absolute commitment to environment responsibility is an integral part of our business philosophy. Management of our operation is based on renewable resource principle. Ecosystem conservation and clean production process. MEPCO dreams of a new world in the 21st century, one where prosperity, love and respect for nature and forward looking corporate minds are the standard. We plan to be an active player in making this dream a reality utilizing cutting edge technology and the most modern facilities, our commitment to quality we'll be demonstrated in our manufactured products. We produce paper & paper board from 100% recycled fiber without compromising on quality. The products are made from 100% locally sourced old & new corrugated cartons. We aim to serve the community in which it lives. As a business enterprise we shall accomplish this by producing & marketing high quality , environmentally friendly paper.