Retail & Wholesale


500 Employees or more


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senior hr officer


project manager


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Currently employed at this company: 268

PATCHI hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of PATCHI's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Lebanese university
  • Umm al-qura university
  • Lebanese international university
  • Beirut arab university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • business administration
  • business management
  • economics
  • accounting

Many of PATCHI’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at PATCHI have the below job roles:

Sales Accounting and Auditing Management Design, Creative, and Arts Administration Customer Service and Call Center
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

dani osman


ghiath bajbouj

branch manager

Mohammad Nsouli

IT & Business Analyst Manager

Wissam Sami menkara

commercial Manager

Rodrigue Chatry

Senior System and Network Administrator - Patchi

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Learn about PATCHI


Renowned worldwide for its succulent premium chocolate, Patchi has become the ultimate destination for chocolate gifts. Patchi’s winning concept is already widespread across the globe with more than 144 boutiques expanded in four continents. Patchi tailors every celebration in life by offering exquisite chocolate to celebrate great festivities and special occasions. The quest for perfection has won the corporation a global success establishing itself as industry leader in luxury chocolate. Following a non-negotiable high standards policy that reflects its commitment to continuously improving the quality of its products and services, Patchi is ISO – 2000-9001 certified for Quality Management, which guarantees the highest level of standardization in the world and confirms Patchi’s commitment to premier performance and quality. Today the brand is internationally known for its devotion to quality, creativity, and elegance through its stylish stores, proudly carrying the Patchi flagship in every major city around the world. Totally flexible, Patchi rapidly adapts to new contexts, as the boutique speaks the community’s language, offering custom-made products & services. History: Patchi business traces back to 1974, when Nizar Choucair initiated the concept of the chocolate gift, starting from one store in his home country Lebanon. The brand stood out from the very beginning for its unique concept that married different chocolate flavors with the most appealing designs, to create the perfect chocolate gift for every occasion.