Qatar University

Primary, Prep, & Secondary School

Qatar - Doha

500 Employees or more

4K+ Followers

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Currently employed at this company: 710

Qatar University hires employees from the below companies often:

Many of Qatar University's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Qatar university
  • University of qatar
  • Cairo university
  • Hamad bin khalifa university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • computer science
  • accounting
  • electrical engineering
  • chemical engineering

Many of Qatar University’s employees are residing in the following locations:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Qatar University have the below job roles:

Research and Development Administration Teaching and Academics Accounting and Auditing Information Technology Engineering
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Mathew Varghese

June -2006to Aug’2016 -Qatar University Doha-Qatar as Operation &Maintenance Programme Controller

Mohamed Elmahdy

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Yasser Al-Qawasmi

Student Organizations Section Head

Mohammad Sabbagh

Project Leader, Assessment & Technology Specialist

Nael Abdul Aziz Mohamad

Section Head of Media

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Learn about Qatar University

About Qatar University

Qatar University is the national institution of higher education in Qatar. It provides high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare competent graduates, destined to shape the future of Qatar. The university community has diverse and committed faculty that teaches and conduct research, which addresses relevant local and regional challenges, advances knowledge, and contributes actively to the needs and aspirations of society. Qatar University is an intellectual and scholarly community characterized by open discussion, the free exchange of ideas, respectful debate, and a commitment to rigorous inquiry. All members of the University - faculty, staff, and students- are expected to advance the scholarly and social values embodied by the university.


To be regionally recognized for distinctive excellence in education and research, an institution of choice for students and scholars and a catalyst for the sustainable socio-economic development of Qatar.


Qatar University is the national institution of higher education in Qatar. It provides high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare competent graduates, destined to shape the future of Qatar. The university community has diverse and committed faculty who teach and conduct research, which addresses relevant local and regional challenges, advances knowledge, and contributes actively to the needs and aspirations of society.