Rowad Modern Engineering

Construction & Building


10-49 Employees

4K+ Followers

Salaries at Rowad Modern Engineering

Company Salary Range

Monthly Salary Range

financial manager


finance manager


warehouse manager


senior civil engineer


Employee Insights

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Currently employed at this company: 263

Many of Rowad Modern Engineering's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • Cairo university
  • Ain shams university
  • Helwan university
  • Zagazig university

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • civil engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • engineering
  • construction management

Many of Rowad Modern Engineering’s employees are residing in the following locations:

Top Skills in:

Most common skills at Rowad Modern Engineering for this job role are:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Rowad Modern Engineering have the below job roles:

Engineering Construction and Building Civil Engineering Purchasing and Procurement Safety Human Resources and Recruitment
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Gender and Age



Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

mohamed naeem

Project Manager

hazem khalifa

Quality control Manager

Omar El-Far, MBA, PMP

Chief Operations Officer COO


Quality Control Manager (QC Manager)

Osama Seadawi

Construction Project Manager

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Learn about Rowad Modern Engineering

About Rowad Modern Engineering

RME is one of the fast growing leading contractors, engaged in a wide range of construction activities serving more than one sector such as industrial, commercial & special buildings and infrastructure sectors. Our commitment to excellence is the key driver for our performance today and throughout the past years. we have been building up our list of loyal customers enjoying a continuous and fruitful business relationship with us. Most of our customers are awarding us more than one project and making us their first choice when it comes to selecting a contractor for their projects. We are ISO certified and professionally managed company that believes in profitable sustainable and enjoyable long-term relationships with all its key stake holders including employees, customers, consultants, partners and suppliers. In terms of Safety, RME staff are OSHAS certified and we are keen that all our operations to run in a very safe manners as we believe that our human assets are our most important, that’s why we always try to enhance safety procedures and maintain quite remarkable safety records. Our Customer Satisfaction program has been our guiding star, it sets direction to everything we do, and it guarantees our ability to meet highest standards, conforming to requirements, preventing errors and performing better than expected.


To become a recognized first class contractor through our bench marked projects in both local & international markets with a remarkable growth in our turnover each year.


We are committed to deliver quality value-added construction service and build trust based partnership with our customers. We will accomplish this through our capitalizing on our highly qualified employees who challenge themselves every day to reach highest levels of professionalism an exceptional performance.