University Of Balamand

Primary, Prep, & Secondary School


50-99 Employees


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Currently employed at this company: 134

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Many of University Of Balamand's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

Top Universities

  • University of balamand
  • Lebanese university
  • University of balamand - lebanon
  • American university of beirut

Top Educational Backgrounds

  • biology
  • civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • chemical engineering

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at University Of Balamand have the below job roles:

Teaching and Academics Research and Development Accounting and Auditing Administration Information Technology Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
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Under the age of 35

Above the age of 50

Employees Registered on

Amal Issa

Electronic Resources / Reference Supervisor

Andy Zamer


Nayla Greige

Lab Instructor and application developer for the Office of Students Affairs

Vanessa El Khoury

Lab supervisor, Chemical Engineering Department


Office of Student Affairs - coordinator

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Learn about University Of Balamand

About University Of Balamand

Welcome to the University of Balamand (UoB). While a new University founded in 1988 at the height of Lebanon 's internal war, UOB is heir to a long tradition of scholarship on the Balamand Hill and in the Antiochian Orthodox and Christian Church. Founded as a private secular institution to serve all people without regard to race, religion, gender, and ethnic consideration, UoB has in a decade and a half become one of the leading universities in the region. The University consists of nine Faculties and a dozen research centers, and is committed to excellence in education, research, and service to the wider community. Given its strong belief in human rights, democratic institutions, and Christian Muslim understanding, the University is fully committed to the development and democratization of the region. Like Lebanon, the University is small in size but large in spirit, and as such has a civilizing mission based on freedom, tolerance, plurality and human dignity and is committed to spreading these values throughout its Middle East region. To this end the University cooperates extensively with leading universities in North America and in Europe and conducts joint research programs with them.