Zain - KSA


Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

500 Employees or more


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Currently employed at this company: 1000

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Most entry-level professionals at Zain - KSA have the below job roles:

Customer Service and Call Center Sales Information Technology Administration Marketing and PR Engineering
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Employees Registered on

Ramez Shatara

Head of Marketing Planning and Pricing

Muneeb Arrabi

Director of online and offline advertising

Saleh El Kurdi

Sales Quality Supervisor

Ahmed Hallawa

Commission Manager

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Learn about Zain - KSA

About Zain - KSA

About Zain in Saudi Arabia: Zain is the newest player in the mobile telecommunication market of Saudi Arabia. We strive to become the preferred choice for voice, messaging, multimedia, call management, data and other services in the Kingdom. Building on the expertise of the Zain Group and the insights of our local team, we are building a trusted and effective telecommunication provider for the largest country in the Middle East. Our Values: - Radiance: leading the way with imagination and vision. - Heart: living our lives with courage, resolve and emotions. - Belonging: being part of the community spirit that knows no territorial boundaries. Our Services: - Voice services (calls, international roaming, voicemail, conference call, voice SMS). - SMS and MMS services. - SIM applications (subscription channels, downloadable pictures, ringtones, games, applications...). - 3G and 3.5G services (video call, daily downloadable comedy...). Our milestones: - August 2008: operations launched. - March 2008: shares listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange. - February 2008: first call connected on the Zain network in Saudi Arabia. - July 2007: licence awarded. - Zain KSA received for the ISO9001:2008 “Quality Management Systems” (QMS) and ISO27001:2005 “Information Security Management Systems” Our figures: - 93% of Saudi Arabia, 43 cities and 67 highways covered at launch - More than USD 1.3 billion investment committed to the network build-up - More than 2,200 staff.