ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


As a renowned/experienced sales representative, what have been your greatest challenge to meet up with your company's sales target?

What are they strategies used on the field to make these challenges non-hindrance to you?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Muhammad Awwal Jibril , English Language Teacher , Poliglota
تاريخ النشر: 2015/04/13
Md. Raisul Islam (Sazid)
من قبل Md. Raisul Islam (Sazid) , Area Manager , CEAT AKKHAN LTD.

The following6 Steps I will complete to Achieving Sales Goals.


    1. Review my sales goals first thing in the morning every day.


    1. On Friday or Saturday, review the week and set goals and actions for the next week.


    1. Once per week (this can be at your Friday or Saturday review session), review your goals with a goals partner.
    2. Once per month, meet with a small group of people I trust to review what I am doing, where my headed, what I’ll do in the next month, and get ideas for how I can achieve more and shake off any nagging hassles that are holding you back.
    1. Once per quarter, review my progress toward your annual goal. Set no more than3 quarterly priorities that I’ll direct all your passion, energy, and intensity toward so I can stay on track to meet your annual targets. During the quarterly meeting, step back and ask yourself, “What do I absolutely, positively need to get done over the next three months to achieve my annual goals?” Define it, commit to it, and set my monthly targets and actions for the next three months.


  1. Once per year, set my  targets for the next year.

المزيد من الأسئلة المماثلة

هل تحتاج لمساعدة في كتابة سيرة ذاتية تحتوي على الكلمات الدلالية التي يبحث عنها أصحاب العمل؟