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What is the method to calculate duct quantity of 24 g to 18 g?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل anil kumar pall
تاريخ النشر: 2016/07/27
Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed
من قبل Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed , Mechanical Engineer , DAR ENGINEERING

First of all inorder to select guage for a GI duct there are SMACNA standards for guage selection.

0-450mm=24 guage (0.6mm)

451mm-900mm=22 guage (0.8mm)

901mm-1219mm=20 guage (1.0 mm)

1220mm-3048mm=18 guage (1.2mm)

Now if you want to calculate the duct quantity in sqm then,

A=2(W+H)xL  (Sq.m)


A=Area of the duct (sq.m)

W=width of the duct(m)

H=Height of the duct(m)

L=Length of the duct(m)

shaik nasarali
من قبل shaik nasarali , Project Engineer Mep Mechanical , AL YAMAMA COMPANY - CONSTRUCTION DIVISION

volume = Area * length of duct .It can be described in Sq.Mts  or Kgs.


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