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What are the hazards in the main steam pipe of the steam turbine if the pressure is constant and the temperature is too high?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Juan Raphael Concepcion , Power Plant Maintenance Supervisor , WKSA Power Contracting Company
تاريخ النشر: 2016/09/04
souihi houssem
من قبل souihi houssem , Délégué Commercial , laboratoire svr tunisie

turbine operating reaction, replaced craters rings of feathers static permeate the ranks of animated feathers, and can get a driving force of the impact arising from the reaction of steam as a result of passing between the moving blades and Alsaknh.an reaction originates in the animated feathers because of the geometric shape

Because the steam loses some of its strength after passing through each episode of the rings with feathers, so these episodes are made with diameters graded in old age so that it can get the maximum effort out of steam pressure, which decreases after each stage.

mohamad Bakri
من قبل mohamad Bakri , Technical Manager , Eiffel engineering

I am an electrical engineer, the steam pressure of steam turbine at more than 60% of its rated  is constant as well as the temperature ,unless in the sliding mode where the pressure is reduced.

it is normal. constant pressure and high temperature.

some time steam turbine come in three stages. H-M-L pressure

Muhammad Qasim
من قبل Muhammad Qasim , Senior Electrical Engineer , Energy Associates (SMC Ptv.) Ltd.

I prefer a boiler / mechanical engineer should answer this question. Thanks

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