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How can virtual reality help us in our daily lives in a beneficial way? Will it just be applicable to mobile adapted Virtual reality?

Virtual reality is now becoming a hype in the technology world. They are using it in games, in movies, and in simulations.

But how can they be used in the most beneficial way possible? Where would you like to see virtual reality become applicable? Also, does it have to be connected to a mobile phone or can it be used on its own?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Lana Oudeh , PR Coordinator , Al Ghanem
تاريخ النشر: 2016/11/21
Abdelrahman mahmoud
من قبل Abdelrahman mahmoud , Software Engineer , Thiqah business services

That question actually answered years before this technology went public.

the military of U.S for ex, has been useing it widely to simulate combat area, which is hard to simulate in real world.

they even take it to the next level by simulating bullet pain(not much of a pain but enough for you to fall) this simulation gone public few years ago by national geographic if i recall.


that's only what they approve to go public so i am assuming they were using it very widely from inside. and that's only about military.

just imagine other areas like pilots and a simulation of hard situations that is hard to reproduce it in real world and so on :)

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