Egyptian Iron And Steel Company Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 62500 125000 187500 250000
Average Monthly Salary Egyptian Iron And Steel Company in Egypt EGP 35,484

34 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Egyptian Iron And Steel CompanySalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 6250 12500 18750 25000
maintenance engineer EGP 4,050
electrical engineer EGP 4,469
accountant EGP 5,028
supervisor EGP 5,587
junior accountant EGP 6,983
office manager to the finance manager EGP 7,821
accountant EGP 8,380
network engineer EGP 8,849
network engineer EGP 8,849
detailing engineer EGP 8,939
technician EGP 11,453
maintenance planning engineer EGP 13,966
store keeper EGP 13,966
production engineer EGP 13,966
mechanical engineer EGP 13,966
graphic designer EGP 13,966
internal auditor EGP 15,363
accountant EGP 16,760
electrical engineer EGP 16,760
senior engineer EGP 20,950