Capgemini India Salary in India

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000
Average Monthly Salary Capgemini India in India INR 164,770

423 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Capgemini IndiaSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
senior associate INR 72,890
team leader INR 73,196
senior associate INR 73,203
consultant INR 73,893
recruiter INR 73,983
consultant INR 74,319
financial consultant INR 74,319
java developer INR 74,623
supervisor team lead INR 74,843
associate consultant INR 75,132
technical support INR 76,288
team leader INR 77,177
software testing engineer INR 77,177
team lead finance and accounting INR 77,678
consultant INR 78,292
lead consultant INR 78,607
consultant INR 78,607
associate consultant INR 78,607
consultant INR 78,607
senior analyst INR 78,607