Tata Consultancy Services Tcs Salary in India

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 1250000 2500000 3750000 5000000
Average Monthly Salary Tata Consultancy Services Tcs in India INR 151,991

336 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Tata Consultancy Services TcsSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
asst. systems engineer INR 50,022
software engg. INR 50,022
citicards sales and service INR 50,022
team leader cum delivery manager INR 50,022
system administrator in tcl INR 50,022
process associate INR 50,022
trainer INR 50,022
customer service advisor INR 50,022
internal auditor INR 50,022
subject matter expert INR 50,022
software developer INR 50,022
team leader INR 50,022
system analyst INR 50,022
quality analyst INR 50,022
systems engineer INR 50,022
software test engineer INR 50,022
senior process associate INR 50,022
technical support engineer INR 50,022
software tester INR 50,022
assistant software engineer INR 50,127