Green City For Tourism And Travel Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 1250000 2500000 3750000 5000000
Average Monthly Salary Green City For Tourism And Travel in Egypt EGP 667,263

10 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Green City For Tourism And TravelSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 12500 25000 37500 50000
sales executive EGP 25,140
tourism manager EGP 25,302
business development executive EGP 26,536
internal auditor EGP 26,536
travel consultant EGP 27,500
product specialist EGP 27,500
manager EGP 27,933
sales manager EGP 27,933
assistant manager EGP 27,933
account manager EGP 27,933
accountant EGP 27,933
supervisor EGP 28,246
chief accountant EGP 29,330
finance manager EGP 29,492
assistant sales manager EGP 31,036
accounting manager EGP 32,313
operations manager EGP 33,520
accounting manager EGP 33,520
accounting manager EGP 33,520
finance manager EGP 33,520