Barclays Egypt Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 125000 250000 375000 500000
Average Monthly Salary Barclays Egypt in Egypt EGP 93,168

17 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Barclays EgyptSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 125000 250000 375000 500000
payroll officer EGP 33,520
data entry EGP 33,520
team leader EGP 35,293
relationship officer EGP 39,106
premiere manager EGP 42,173
relationship officer EGP 46,626
head of sales cards EGP 50,279
deputy branch manager EGP 50,279
branch manager EGP 58,659
team leader EGP 68,620
senior sales & service manager for premier customers EGP 69,832
head of service and performance improvment EGP 90,316
premier manager EGP 100,559
relationship manager EGP 104,050
senior internal auditor EGP 110,249
senior branch manager EGP 250,768
sales team leader EGP 400,000