Modern Shorouk Printing And Packaging Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 625000 1250000 1875000 2500000
Average Monthly Salary Modern Shorouk Printing And Packaging in Egypt EGP 94,731

134 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Modern Shorouk Printing And PackagingSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 6250 12500 18750 25000
human resources hr assistant manager EGP 18,156
technical office engineer EGP 18,156
infrastructure consultant and trainer EGP 18,436
site engineer EGP 18,668
sales executive EGP 18,799
technical support engineer EGP 19,553
production engineer EGP 19,553
logistics manager EGP 19,553
quantity surveyor EGP 19,553
electrical engineer EGP 19,553
electrical site engineer EGP 19,553
site engineer EGP 19,553
lecturer EGP 19,553
financial manager EGP 19,553
civil site engineer EGP 19,553
civil engineer EGP 19,553
graphic designer EGP 19,553
administration manager EGP 20,000
executive assistant EGP 20,807
site engineer EGP 20,950