Infosys Salary in India

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 250000 500000 750000 1000000
Average Monthly Salary Infosys in India INR 214,420

83 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles


Job Title Monthly Avg 0 37500 75000 112500 150000
senior technical writer senior content lead INR 100,045
technology analyst projects INR 100,045
senior consultant INR 100,045
team lead INR 100,045
quality assurance manager INR 100,045
technical lead INR 100,045
business analyst INR 100,147
assistant manager INR 100,555
senior associate consultant INR 100,759
administrator INR 100,951
business analyst INR 100,998
technology analyst INR 101,181
consultant INR 102,586
senior associate consultant INR 102,809
sales manager INR 105,047
technical lead INR 105,762
technology lead tl INR 106,119
technical analyst INR 107,191
sr. software engineer INR 107,191
it engineer INR 107,191