Kpmg Salary in India

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 375000 750000 1125000 1500000
Average Monthly Salary Kpmg in India INR 435,646

29 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles


Job Title Monthly Avg 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
audit executive INR 71,460
analyst INR 71,460
associate consultant INR 71,460
senior analyst INR 71,460
audit executive INR 71,681
analyst INR 73,271
consultant INR 74,319
graphic analyst INR 78,607
associate consultant INR 78,607
associate consultant INR 78,607
business analyst INR 83,495
associate INR 85,753
executive INR 85,753
associate consultant INR 85,753
associate consultant INR 86,433
executive assurance INR 87,839
consultant INR 87,971
team leader INR 89,326
associate consultant INR 90,816
associate consultant INR 92,899