Mawan Real Estate Co Salary in Saudi Arabia

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 375000 750000 1125000 1500000
Average Monthly Salary Mawan Real Estate Co in Saudi Arabia SAR 17,866

699 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Mawan Real Estate CoSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 375000 750000 1125000 1500000
project manager SAR 69,235
administration manager SAR 69,412
construction manager SAR 69,753
executive director SAR 71,154
business development director SAR 73,859
shared services director SAR 76,250
chief executive officer SAR 76,923
managing director SAR 76,933
cfo SAR 76,938
accounts manager SAR 81,036
head of internal audit SAR 82,062
project manager SAR 82,062
accounts manager SAR 86,165
chief financial officer SAR 87,190
planning manager SAR 88,462
consultant SAR 95,055
commercial director SAR 123,092
finance manager SAR 124,615
chief financial officer cfo SAR 1,230,769