Trident International Holdings Salary in United Arab Emirates

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 6250 12500 18750 25000
Average Monthly Salary Trident International Holdings in United Arab Emirates AED 7,912

9 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Trident International HoldingsSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
customer service AED 4,369
senior electricin AED 4,538
building supervisor AED 6,554
customer care executive property handover AED 6,655
customer service executive AED 7,058
hanover excecutive AED 7,260
executive secretary AED 8,067
senior accountant AED 8,067
information technology it manager AED 18,641