Emad Soliman Law Firm Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 250000 500000 750000 1000000
Average Monthly Salary Emad Soliman Law Firm in Egypt EGP 49,320

53 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Emad Soliman Law FirmSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 250000 500000 750000 1000000
attorney EGP 4,190
lawyer EGP 4,749
lawyer EGP 5,587
accountant EGP 6,285
lawyer EGP 6,983
lawyer EGP 7,022
lawyer EGP 7,263
lawyer EGP 7,542
receptionist secretary EGP 8,380
lawyer EGP 8,380
associate EGP 8,380
lawyer EGP 8,380
office manager EGP 9,218
lawyer EGP 9,777
lawyer EGP 9,777
lawyer EGP 9,782
lawyer EGP 9,804
lawyer EGP 9,930
lawyer EGP 10,894
lawyer EGP 11,173
sales representative EGP 11,173
lawyer EGP 11,173
lawyer EGP 11,173
lawyer EGP 11,173
admin assistant EGP 11,330
office manager EGP 11,330
sales executive EGP 13,408
lawyer EGP 13,966
senior associate EGP 13,966
executive secretary EGP 13,966
associate EGP 13,966
lawyer EGP 13,966
executive secretary EGP 13,969
lawyer EGP 15,000
lawyer EGP 15,000
lawyer EGP 16,760
lawyer EGP 19,553
lawyer EGP 19,628
lawyer EGP 33,520
lawyer EGP 33,520
lawyer EGP 33,520
administrative assistant EGP 35,346
associate EGP 41,899
operations coordinator EGP 45,020
executive assistant EGP 50,279
senior lawyer EGP 55,866
associate EGP 97,765
senior associate EGP 103,226
senior associate EGP 103,226
lawyer EGP 125,000
lawyer EGP 400,000
partner EGP 516,760
legal counsel EGP 525,000