Hassan Allam Construction Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 125000 250000 375000 500000
Average Monthly Salary Hassan Allam Construction in Egypt EGP 66,017

50 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Hassan Allam ConstructionSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 125000 250000 375000 500000
manager EGP 111,732
procurement manager EGP 122,905
hse supervisor EGP 150,000
plant manager EGP 150,000
it project manager EGP 167,598
audit senior EGP 167,598
construction manager EGP 200,000
lead document controller EGP 225,000
project manager EGP 288,182
civil engineer EGP 325,000