Polaris International Company Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 625000 1250000 1875000 2500000
Average Monthly Salary Polaris International Company in Egypt EGP 114,240

68 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Polaris International CompanySalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
administrative assistant EGP 6,983
sales executive EGP 6,983
medical representative EGP 7,542
document controller EGP 7,682
accountant EGP 7,821
medical representative EGP 8,380
customer service representative EGP 8,380
sales engineer EGP 8,380
accountant EGP 8,380
customer service EGP 8,536
financial and administration accountant EGP 8,827
detailing engineer EGP 8,939
assistant area manager EGP 9,078
electrical engineer EGP 9,497
retail & customer care supervisor EGP 9,777
sales representative EGP 9,777
administration and financial supervisor EGP 9,777
coordinator EGP 9,777
accountant EGP 9,777
medical representative EGP 9,777