Unionaire Group Salary in Egypt

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 125000 250000 375000 500000
Average Monthly Salary Unionaire Group in Egypt EGP 52,986

31 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Unionaire GroupSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 12500 25000 37500 50000
customer service agent EGP 4,251
accountant EGP 5,447
quality control engineer EGP 8,380
sales executive EGP 8,380
pay roll accountant EGP 9,078
sales engineer EGP 10,894
sales EGP 11,251
sales executive EGP 12,575
accountant EGP 12,696
it support engineer EGP 13,966
technical support engineer EGP 13,966
production engineer EGP 15,642
senior accountant EGP 16,760
technical support engineer EGP 16,760
sales coordinator EGP 16,760
office manager EGP 16,869
sales representative EGP 19,553
quality control engineer EGP 20,950
sales supervisor EGP 35,277
maintenance engineer EGP 36,313