Mak Pharma Salary in Lebanon

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 12500000 25000000 37500000 50000000
Average Monthly Salary Mak Pharma in Lebanon LBP 4,612,881

33 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Mak PharmaSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 1250000 2500000 3750000 5000000
sales representative LBP 828,554
office assistant LBP 903,877
accountant LBP 1,054,523
administrative assistant LBP 1,205,170
cheif accountant LBP 1,506,462
cheif accountant and assistant manager LBP 1,506,462
administrative assistant LBP 1,807,754
medical representative LBP 1,958,401
medical representative LBP 2,259,693
medical representative LBP 2,259,693
human resources officer LBP 2,410,339
hr officer LBP 2,410,339
sales executive LBP 2,560,985
salesman LBP 2,560,985
sales manager LBP 2,711,632
senior financial accountant LBP 3,464,863
sales and marketing manager LBP 3,766,155
mechanical engineer LBP 3,766,155
chief accountant LBP 3,766,155
medical representative LBP 3,766,155