Saad Othman Group Salary in Saudi Arabia

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 37500 75000 112500 150000
Average Monthly Salary Saad Othman Group in Saudi Arabia SAR 12,700

59 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Saad Othman GroupSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
technician SAR 2,052
waiter SAR 2,154
site engineer SAR 2,564
warehouse supervisor SAR 3,077
executive secretary SAR 3,180
electrician SAR 3,624
planning engineer SAR 3,898
accountant SAR 4,103
junior accountant SAR 4,103
executive secretary SAR 4,154
maintenance engineer SAR 4,616
supervisor SAR 4,616
maintenance and operations engineer SAR 4,719
sales representative SAR 4,753
mechanical engineer SAR 5,026
general financial accountant SAR 5,129
network engineer SAR 5,129
technical support supervisor SAR 5,642
safety officer SAR 5,642
safety officer SAR 5,642