Mag Group Development Fze Salary in United Arab Emirates

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
Average Monthly Salary Mag Group Development Fze in United Arab Emirates AED 12,412

37 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Mag Group Development FzeSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 25000 50000 75000 100000
secretary AED 4,538
personal assistant pa AED 5,042
it support engineer AED 5,042
finance manager AED 5,042
hr assistant AED 5,546
legal assistant AED 6,050
network engineer AED 6,554
it engineer AED 6,554
it engineer AED 6,554
hr coordinator AED 6,667
executive secretary AED 6,873
chairman executive secretary office manager AED 7,058
client relationship manager AED 7,058
chief accountant credit officer financial analyst AED 7,563
human resources specialist AED 7,563
legal consultants AED 8,067
it support engineer AED 8,067
human resources specialist AED 8,067
hr specialist AED 8,067
accountant AED 8,168
chief accountant AED 9,075
sales administrator AED 9,579
electrical project engineer AED 11,092
sales maneger AED 11,385
chief accountant and credit officer AED 11,596
secretary AED 14,815
financial analyst AED 15,125
chief accountant AED 15,125
planning engineer AED 15,125
architect AED 18,150
architect AED 18,150
properties coordinator and executive secretary AED 19,158
hr manager AED 20,027
office manager AED 20,167
human resources manager AED 27,351
manager AED 28,682
vice chairman AED 60,500